Nutrition & Weight Workshops in Ottawa ON

Learn more about our weight and nutrition workshops in Ottawa ON here!
SEVEN Barriers Successful, Long-Term Weight Loss in Ottawa ON
This class is now available online. REGISTER HERE TODAY!
About this class:
In this 3-hour class online, we will break through all the marketing crap that doesn't work to lose with, and you will learn what the most common barriers are to fat loss and weight loss. You will also learn solutions and how to find out what your barriers are to losing fat. This class goes through the science and research for WHY our bodies love to stay FAT, and WHEN they like to lose it.
If you struggle losing weight, or have tried to lose weight unsuccessfully, this is the perfect class for you. Call us to book your free consultation and set up this class. We will take a few minutes with you in-person to make sure this class will be beneficial to you. You are also welcome to bring a friend/guest with you to this small group workshop.
Nutrition 101
Experts agree there is no magic pill to getting healthier overnight. But Nutrition plays a BIG role in our health. Many people want to know what to do nutritionally and in their daily lives to change or improve their health, to lose the weight, reduce the signs of aging or live longer without disease. Many factors play a role in aging, health, and the weight loss battle.
This one-hour crash course in nutrition strips away the myths and gives you the real answers for real health and vitality. No one is selling a book here. Just what is researched and good for your body and your long-term health.
Need more information?
Many symptoms can be helped with preventative care like acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, physio and laser therapy. We strongly recommend anyone experiencing the symptoms discussed on this page, see one of our health professionals soon.
4:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Advanced Wellness Centre
200 Metcalfe St Main Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 1P7

Please do not smoke within one hour of your appointment.

Please keep the air we share fragrance and scent-free.

Evenings after 5:30pm, Weekends & 3 Reserved Spots in front.